This free Birkon follows the custom of the Spanish and Portuguese (Sephardi) Jews Congregation of London, and includes:
- Birkat Hamazon (Grace after meals)
- Beracha Meein Shalosh (Blessing after wine, pastries etc.)
- Sheva Berachot (Blessings for wedding celebrations)
- Tefillat Haderech (Travellers prayer)
It also includes a short, rhyming version of Birkat Hamazon from the Seventeenth Century Amsterdam prayer book "Meah Berachot", and the Spanish table song "Bendigamos".
- Fast loading
- Clear Hebrew text (Hebrew fonts not needed)
- Optional sections open with a single click
S&P Birkon is the work of Jonathan Cohen, former Visiting Rabbi of Bevis Marks Synagogue, London.